Wednesday, August 11, 2010

iPhone 4 - The cool gadget. But I still love my HTC Magic.

Since when Apple announced iPhone 4 model, I was waiting to hold that. In fact, this eagerness came in me since when Gizmado revealed the (argumented) iPhone prototype.

Fortunately, all three Telco's in Singapore launched iPhone 4 on the same day - unlike the earlier launch of iPhone where M1 and Starhub started distribution after a long time since SingTel was the sole distributor. I have a M1 connection for ~3 years and I don't like to move out of M1 as I had never faced any problem with M1.

On July 30th iPhone4 was released in Singapore. I had the invite from M1 to collect the phone immediately after the release (i.e., 12am of July 30). But I know I can't be the first set person to collect iPhone 4 as I can't find any reason to go out of home at midnight. Also I wanted to buy the iPhone 4 for my wife as a surprise gift. Also I know Singaporeans are so gadget-savvy and I expected too much crowd. Just as I expected, the next day I read the news that the queue stretched along the orchard road from M1 Shop @ Paragon.

Besides my tight schedule at work, I found some time to collect the iPhone 4 at M1 Shop @ Plaza Singapore.

Okay.. stories aside, let me compare iPhone 4 with my 1.5 years old HTC Magic (HTC Android).

  • First thing I love about iPhone 4 is it's retina display. What a crystal clear text and pictures that it displays. Marvelous.
  • Size: I like my HTC Magic. I think magic is sleek and easily holdable than iPhone.
  • Connectivity: I don't see any difference. Both phones provide good connectivity.
  • Apps: Definitely iPhone has a lot of apps available. Though there are not as many apps for Android as iPhone, but I could find android app for all my needs. So I am quite happy with android.
  • Communications: like Mail, Messages, chat, etc., I definitely love Android. Though iPhone is comparable with android, for some reasons I love to use communications tools in my Android phone.
  • Entertainment: I don't think anyone can beat iPhone (~ iPod) when it comes to entertainment. In fact I still stick to iPod touch for music or movies on the move. Onething I really like to get for my android phone is an application similar to iTunes. I wish I don't copy any music or movies manually. I like the way how iPod / iPhone syncs with iTunes. I am looking for such a tool for a long time.

So as to conclude, I like, in fact love, my HTC Magic rather than the new iPhone 4. Still iPhone 4 is real cool gadget for sure.