Saturday, June 14, 2008

Dhasavatharam - Review- A great disappointment

Today, I watched the movie Dhasavatharam with some kind of expectation. But now I feel it's a great disappointment.

First, let me explain the story briefly. After the 15 mins of 12th century,  the story comes to 21st century. Hero Kamal (character name: Govind) plays role of a bio-tech scientist working on a bio weapon project in US. Govind realizes how crucial effect his bio-weapon can cause to human life and he quits the project. Then finds that his project director has sold the virus (bio-weapon) to some terrorist. Hero then steals the virus from the lab. Inspite of the chase from project director, hero seeks help of his friend. By mistake the case, in which the virus is kept, is sent to India by his friend. 

Person who bought the virus appoints a agent villain (Filcher , another character by Kamal) to get back the virus. Hero and villain fly to India in chase of the virus.  Chase of Hero and Villain to get the bio-weapon is the complete story.

Now, my review about this movie is:

I read some news that Oscar films has invested about 90 crores for this movie. I would definitely say, waste of 90 crores just to prove Kamal's talent. 

The first 15 minutes in the movie, Kamal plays a role of a Vaishnav (Perumal) devotee during 12th century (Kulothunga Chola period). The picturization of this 15 minutes was excellent. Art director has really put a lot of effort to actually bring the Kulothunga Chola period to reality. Kamal's acting in this character was also perfect. I thought this movie has something to deal with archeology or something. Till the climax I was waiting for some reason and explanation for this 15 minute scene. The first disappointment is, I couldn't find any reason for this character. There was not even a single explanation for this 15 min scene.

There were a lot of unnecessary roles in the movie. I think, Kamal has introduced a lot of characters unnecessary just to show his talent in acting. Ten characters that Kamal has done are:

1. Hero Govind - Reasonable
2. Villan Felcher - Reasonable
3.  RAW officer - Balram Naidu - Reasonable
4. Nambi - Okay - But what's the need of this 15 mins scene ?
5. Asin's Grandma - Reasonable

All the other roles below are unnecessary. But Kamal's acting is really EXCELLENT in all these roles. But what's the use of these characters?

6.  Avtar Singh - Okay - Acceptable
7. Poovaraagan - Kamal's acting and this characterization are excellent. Reason ?
8. George Bush - Oops :(
9. Tallest man - Kalif Ullah - Miserable 
10. Japanese martial arts expert - Just used for the climax.  

My question is: does Kamal thinks acting in multi-faced characters as technically advanced thing ?

Asin's character - A talketive character. But I used to wait for Asin to shut her mouth in the movie.

I expected this movie to have lot of technical aspects. Talking about it, I would say the Tsunami scene was excellent and it bought a tsunami as live to our eyes. But except the 10 characters and few other scenes I don't see any thing technical.

Kamal should have worked still on the screenplay to make the second-half of the movie interesting. Lot of dragging scenes in the second-half. 

All I could say about this movie is: WE ARE NOT THE VICTIM FOR KAMAL TO PROVE HIS TALENTS.